Our Commitment to Responsible Investing

Consistent with our goal of delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients over the long-term, we aim to achieve the highest possible standards of responsible investing.

ESG factors have the potential to impact financial performance. Therefore, understanding and minimising ESG risks and promoting better ESG performance is essential to create long-term value for our investors.

ESG Integration at Arcmont

Arcmont has a long-standing history of incorporating ESG into its investment risk processes. We have been a member of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since July 2013.

Arcmont practices responsible investing at every stage of the investment process, in accordance with our Responsible Investment Policy and Climate Change Addendum, which apply to all of our co-mingled funds and associated vehicles.

Excluded industry screening

At the pre-investment stage, prospective investments are screened in accordance with Arcmont’s Exclusions Policy, which provides a list of the industries and products, which we consider to be outside of the responsible investment universe.

ESG Integration

Arcmont’s investment process involves extensive ESG research and analysis using in-house expertise and external consultants. Prospective investments are scored on their exposure to and management of ESG factors using our bespoke scoring methodology.

ESG Engagement

Arcmont maintains an open and active dialogue with portfolio companies to continually assess and discuss any identified material ESG risks.


Arcmont is a strong advocate for industry wide ESG standards and we are committed to collaborating with others on ESG integration. As leaders in the Private Debt industry, we play a key role in driving forward the systemic adoption of ESG and accelerating market progress.

Arcmont is committed to enhancing and developing its responsible investment framework and strives to deliver sustainable investment solutions that are fit for the future. To support this, Arcmont has a continuous engagement with DSS+ (a global consultancy firm that acquired KKS Advisors in 2021).